Since the release of CATAN (at that time still The Settlers of CATAN) in 1995, the game has developed into a modern classic that is available worldwide in over 40 languages. To date, …
First published in Germany in 1995 as Die Siedler von CATAN, then in English as The Settlers of CATAN in 1996, CATAN celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020. To begin the game, you build …
A Game of Thrones CATAN 5-6 Player Extension - Rules A Game of Thrones CATAN: Brotherhood of the Watch - 1st Edition Errata and FAQ Settlers of America - Trails to Rails
Play CATAN anytime and anywhere: the original board game, the card game (Rivals for CATAN), and the most important extensions in one app! Go on a journey into the CATAN universe and …
Dear Settlers, To make it as easy as possible for you to start playing Catan ®, we use an award-winning rules system, which consists of 3 parts. First, if you do not know how to play Catan, …
dream of dominating Catan! The Catan 5–6 Player Extension™ allows you to play this exciting game of trade and development with up to six players. The island is larger, the demand for …
Here you can find the stand-alone CATAN editions and variants currently available. Some expand the well-known rules with new exciting elements such as CATAN - The Rise of the Inkas, …
This long-awaited 3D Edition of the classic CATAN base game is based on terrain tiles that were hand-sculpted by the game designer Klaus Teuber himself. All of the terrain is hand painted …
Today, our primary product is the successful board game CATAN (formerly The Settlers of CATAN), which comes with an array of expansions, editions, and spin-offs. Before founding …
Go on a journey into the CATAN universe and compete in exciting duels against players from all over the world. The classic board game with numerous extensions and scenarios as well as …