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Home » SPARTY - The Bath Party
Sparty is the one and only bath party. If you came for the Budapest nightlife, we believe it’s the best thing to do in Budapest. Come to Széchenyi Bath and see this spa party for yourself!
A Guide To The Budapest Pool Party at Szechenyi Baths
在thertwguys.com上查看更多信息The day bath ticket is different from the Budapest bath party ticket. You won’t be able to sneak into or overstay your day Szechenyi thermal baths ticket, as they will add an additional wristband for people who are going to attend the party. The basic Budapest Pool Party ticket costs €50, or 12,000 Hungarian Forint. You’ll pay a litt…- 发布日期: 2017年12月15日
- 预计阅读时间:8 分钟
Sparty Thermal Bath Party - Ultimate Budapest
The world-famous party series at the largest thermal bath of Budapest. Adventurers from all around the world gather at the one and only bath party, and spend the best night of their lives in the legendary Széchenyi Bath. Don't say …
Magic Bath Parties in Budapest - Szechenyi Baths
The Magic Bath party series in Budapest is a one of a kind spa party (sparty), be part of it, if you are spending a weekend getaway in Budapest, Hungary. Every Saturday the thermal bath of Szechenyi Baths turns into a party venue with …
Sparty Széchenyi Bath Party - All You Need to Know
Sparty is the world-famous party series at the largest thermal bath of Budapest. The Bath Party is unique and very popular which makes it the 5th largest …
- 3.5/5(548)
- 位置: \u00C1llatkerti Krt. 9-11, Budapest
- 类别: Attraction
Sparty Budapest | Bath Party with DJs, Light Shows
Sparty at Szechenyi Baths is a weekly event that transforms the traditional spa experience into a lively night-time pool party in Budapest. You'll be soaking in the warm, soothing waters while DJs pump out electro beats, lasers light up the …
Sparty on! A guide to Budapest's famous thermal bath …
2014年12月9日 · If you don't like these two baths, try the Splash parties at the Aquaworld. They await you with a star DJ, cocktails and special programs. During these parties all the adventure pools, starting with the Wave Pool through to …
Szechenyi Baths Night - Szechenyi Baths
Almost every month every Saturday night you can join the world famous hip Szechenyi Bath spa parties, known as Sparties, or the rarer and more spectacular peak summer parties called by various names, depending on the theme of a …
Get Sparty Tickets to Experience Budapest's Biggest …
Sparty is a combination of spa and party and what better destination for it to take place than Budapest? Head to Széchenyi Thermal Bath, Budapest’s most …
- 评论数: 219
Budapest: Sparty - The Ultimate Late-Night Spa Party …
2024年12月26日 ·
· Spend the best night of your life in the most iconic thermal spa of Budapest; Party in the spa from 9:30 PM - 2 AM in water …高达2.3%
- 评论数: 902
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