classification of periodontitis characterized by a multidimensional staging and grading system. The charts below provide an overview. Please visit for the complete suite of …
Below are the most current periodontitis staging and grading classifications established at the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and …
The four stages (stage 1-4) of periodontitis are determined by several variables. Staging intends to classify the severity and extent of a patient’s disease based on a measurable amount of …
new classifications of periodontal diseases and conditions. The new framework of severity and complexity of periodontitis is described as a system of Staging and Grading. Stage I through …
Grading aims to indicate the rate of periodontitis progression, responsiveness to standard therapy, and potential impact on systemic health. Clinicians should initially assume grade B disease …
Information on this guide is an overview of the new classification of periodontitis staging and grading system that resulted from the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of …
Grading aims to indicate the rate of periodontitis progression, responsiveness to standard therapy, and potential impact on systemic health. See for additional information. …
Establish Grade • Calculate RBL (% of root length x 100) divided by age • Assess risk factors (e.g., smoking, diabetes) • Measure response to scaling and root planing and plaque control • …
If less than 0.25, the diagnosis is Grade A periodontitis: if higher than 1.0, the diagnosis is Grade C periodontitis. Grades A and B can be modified if the patient smokes or is diabetic.