2023年2月24日 · Arasaka Weeping Reaver Katana. A nasty blade capable of coating itself in a variety of substances to help it set enemies on fire, break down armor, or leave wound salt inside the body (pictured above, art by Adrian Marc).
5 NIGHT MARKET INDEX very Heavy Melee weaPons Arasaka Weeping Reaver Katana ..... BC 91 IMI Chainknife ..... DL:Gun 3, DGD 144 Kendachi Mono-Katana.....
true mono-katana. Mantis Blade Cyberware Enhancement. The monomolec - ular edge allows the Mantis Blade to slice through low-level armor. Any damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target’s armor entirely if it is lower than SP7 (before halving). Armor with SP7 or higher is still interacted with as normal. » Streamlined
2021年7月28日 · Q: Some questions about anti-electronics weapons like Microwavers and EMPs. First, how do they interact with drones and defenses like turrets. Do they shut them down entirely or do they do damage as if they were normal weapons of the type (pistols and grenades). Second, how do they interact with vehicles like motorcycles or ground cars?
You’ve got interface plugs in your wrists, weapons in your arms, lasers in your eyes, bio-chip programs screaming in your brain. You’re wired in, cyberenhanced and solid state as you can take it to the fatal Edge where only the toughest and coolest can go.