INFJ Forum - The Protectors - Personality Cafe
2012年2月16日 · Official forum for the INFJ personality type. Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling Forum
如何简短地描述infj人格? - 知乎
INFJ这种人格有四层皮: 第一层外皮: 看起来有点神秘,不太好接近的清冷样子 。 第二层外皮: 非常友善,平易近人,你的需求ta都会竭尽全力满足,可以共鸣你的任何情绪,并愿意耐心倾听。 第三层外皮: 过于清醒独立,深感人生本无意义。
infj真的稀有吗? - 知乎
infj其实是理性和感性的结合体,我估计很多人只觉得这个人格是完全同理心,共情力至上,那就错了,infj在分析事情上,在做真正的决定时,包括计划一些事,都十分理智,有时候往往是,他们觉得你的观点漏洞百出,但辩论下去会伤害到感情,让他觉得没 ...
How does Si show itself in INFJs? | Personality Cafe
2011年2月1日 · I'm an INFJ and I just read this description of what the eight function does: "8. Devilish/Demon/Daimon - destructive to ourselves and others, undermines, often erupts violently; distorts trust in relationships, promotes chaos" I'm a little confused about how we use Si to be destructive to ourselves.
Opposite, Inverted, and Golden Pairings in MBTI: A...
2024年10月24日 · 3. INFJ (Ni-Fe) vs. ESTP (Se-Ti) Ni vs. Se: INFJ’s visionary Ni contrasts with ESTP’s action-oriented Se. Fe vs. Ti: INFJ’s empathetic Fe opposes ESTP’s logical Ti. Impact: INFJs may learn to be more present and spontaneous from ESTPs, while ESTPs can develop deeper insights and emotional understanding from INFJs.---
Most Accurate Analysis of the INFJ | Personality Cafe
2011年11月22日 · An INFJ can easily be left-brain dominant: their exercise of Fe would just be based on a more conscious applications of logical theories of social interaction. A right-brain dominant INFJ would exercise their Fe with just as much skill, but based more on raw emotion and gut instinct.
The Many Faces of INFJ | Personality Cafe
2010年4月28日 · The INFJ personality type is by in large most misunderstood type. This is mainly do to the incompetence of MBTI implementation, by introducing personality types by a single description. Nobody was ever meant to match up perfectly to a single description.
Differences between INFJ males and INFJ females?
2015年4月22日 · I somewhat find INFJ females flashy and want to get noticed more than INFJ men. They dye their hair in crazy colors or wear obvious clothing. And in general try more to be obvious on the Internet than men. I find INFJ males much more secluded and quiet, much more likely to camouflage in a crowd, much more hidden. And they dress commonly too.
INFJ + Enneagram 8 | Personality Cafe
2010年9月14日 · Interesting. It seems that the only factors throwing me off of my original INFJ assessment are my type 8 traits. As you mentioned, the 'good side' of type 8 very much align with INFJ or ENFJ descriptions. However, the 'bad side' of type 8 doesn't line up with the standard INFJ descriptions much at all.
INFJ EII: Is it normal? | Personality Cafe
2017年2月27日 · Socionics and MBTI should be treated as different systems, the switch is a myth, there are some studies that statistically show that roughly half of MBTI INFJ and INFP (and most introverts have a similar pattern), identify with IEI and other half IIE by blindly reviewing profiles.