- An easy SPSS tutorial that explains how to import data from an Excel worksheet into SPSS. It also includes an explanation of how to recode a string variable as a numeric variable in SPSS....more了解详细信息:An easy SPSS tutorial that explains how to import data from an Excel worksheet into SPSS. It also includes an explanation of how to recode a string variable as a numeric variable in SPSS....morewww.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ0NYnPGsWw
SPSS will import your data into a new Data View with variable names at the top. Obviously, the first thing to do here is to check that the data has come across successfully.
ezspss.com/importing-data-into-spss-from-excel/一、SPSS数据导入 1.点击文件—打开—数据 2. 文件类型选择Excel--选中所需要的数据 3. 选中工工作表,点击确定二、分类变量数据定义 (变量设置是为了后续分析结果便于解读,不然分析出来的结果都是以数字命名) …
zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/21487963102SPSS appears to have included our row of variable names as an observation in our data file instead of reading them in as variable names like we specified! Let's investigate how that happened.
stats.oarc.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/tips …This tutorial describes how to import data stored in an Excel (XLS or XLSX) or comma-delimited (CSV) file into SPSS.
libguides.library.kent.edu/SPSS/ImportData - 其他用户还问了以下问题
问卷数据分析|SPSS之数据导入及变量设置 - 知乎专栏
Tips for creating an Excel file that can be easily moved to a ...
SPSS Tutorials: Importing Data into SPSS - Kent State University
SPSS Tutorial: Importing Data into SPSS from Excel
This tutorial will show you how to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into SPSS. It will also show you how to transform a variable that has been coded as text into a numeric type.
Excel to SPSS: How to Import Data - Statistics How To
If you have an Excel file and want to run an analysis in SPSS, it’s more convenient to directly import the data rather than having to retype the entries. You can import data from Excel to SPSS in a few simple steps.
Importing excel file into SPSS and Changing String Variable
Easy SPSS Tutorial: Import Data from Excel into SPSS
How to transfer data from Excel to SPSS - IK4
How to Make Variables in Excel for SPSS 的相关搜索