Antenna Mast OR Flagpole...its both | QRZ Forums
2023年7月18日 · Antenna Mast OR Flagpole...its both. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KD4BMG, Jul 18, 2023 ...
Convert your Hustler 6BTV into an HOA busting Flagpole antenna
2024年2月9日 · For really bad storms, I used a DX Engineering tilt mount to drop the antenna when gusts over 35 MPH are forecast, which isn't very often at all here in Indiana. With 7 buried radials, the antenna performs very well. For 3 different radio club meetings, I did a presentation about the antenna.
Convert your Hustler 6BTV into an HOA busting Flagpole antenna
2024年2月9日 · My flagpole antenna is 40ft high and is the highest in our community of 500 homes. I have a 14ga wire coming off the top into a 75 ft pine tree making it an inverted L. It has a 4:1 unun at the base and I use it for 160 - 10m..
Convert your Hustler 6BTV into an HOA busting Flagpole antenna
2024年2月9日 · Great idea but in the UK, flagpoles come under exactly the same planning regulations as antennas and in some situations are even more frowned upon than having an antenna. Many wouldn’t notice or complain about a Hustler BTV but they would object to a flagpole, especially if it’s a British or English flag.
Antenna Mast OR Flagpole...its both | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2023年7月18日 · It's a Tarheel 40HP mobile screwdriver antenna mounted on a dish network swivel arm. My building is 30ft high and directly across from it is a 35ft high stone retention wall. It would seem like my antenna is sitting down in a canyon.
Easy to Build Vertical No-Radial HF Antenna - QRZ Forums
2023年4月19日 · Similar in size to the off center fed flagpole antenna that I found online and decided after about a year to go with a ground field inverted L instead. Your idea is much better for portable use!! Best 73 K2HAT
Build an EASY 10 Meter (28 MHz) Vertical Antenna for DX!
2023年1月24日 · The T2LT is a Great Antenna. I have made them for 440/144 and 6,10,12,15,17, ahd 20 meters and they are all mounted on 10' TV masts, using squid poles, on my 4' chain link fence as a great counterpoise, which surround my property.
Does the MFJ-1984MP need a tuner? I put it to the test.
2021年5月26日 · Hi there. Well that does seem like a good test out of that antenna. I also use a EFHW with a H/Brew 49:1 unun. My wire is a 130 ft sloper. It is my GP antenna for HF and gets me out from Prince Edward Island in the West to Moscow in the N. East. From Norway down to Italy in Europe. So I am very happy with it.
Best HF Multiband Vertical Antenna? | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2021年7月5日 · My Zero-Five 30ft flagpole antenna, has been up since 2011. I have worked 235 countries with the antenna. The low angle pattern of a vertical, is really good for DX, although you may have to work a bit harder than using a beam. Dave K9YM
MEGA Antenna for 6-Meters - QRZ Forums
2022年1月18日 · There are some openings though and they are real fun - and there is a reason it is called SPORADIC -E propagation. I do however keep a 6M antenna, a simple dipole (rigid elements) and a 20' flagpole ready for those times it is open and that has worked well.