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Elmo's World - The Baby Channel - YouTube
2019年12月31日 · The Lecture Lady presents: "Know Your Baby" on The Baby Channel. ALL RIGHTS GO TO SESAME WORKSHOP...more
来自youtube.com的其他内容The Lecture Lady - Muppet Wiki
The Lecture Lady is an animated character who appears regularly on the "Elmo's World" segments of Sesame Street. The character appears on Elmo 's TV, supplying a lecture on whatever the day's topic is. Her name or title varies …
Sesame Street: Lecture Lady's Baby Stories - YouTube
Elmo's World TV Channels that feature The Lecture Lady
Elmo's World TV Channels that feature The Lecture Lady Timber and Alexa Bolding 25 videos 520 views Last updated on Jun 18, 2024
Elmo's World: Babies - Muppet Wiki
During the home video segment, the picture of Gordon as a baby is actually the photo of Miles from Episode 2122. Elmo's World: Babies (2017)
Lecture Lady | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Elmo's World: Babies - My scratchpad Wiki
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.Elmo's World: Babies (2017)
Category:Elmo's World Characters | Muppet Wiki
Characters introduced in or exclusively from the Elmo's World segments of Sesame Street.
The Lecture Lady | Scratchpad | Fandom
The Lecture Lady is an animated character who appears regularly on the "Elmo's World" segments of Sesame Street. The character appears on Elmo's TV, supplying a lecture on whatever the day's topic is. Her actual name/title varies …
Elmo's World - Wikiquote