Newest 'azure-bicep' Questions - Stack Overflow
I am getting this weird issue in Bicep where when I try to deploy the security policy for Azure Front Door it works when custom domain is defined but when no custom domain is defined and trying to use ...
azure - Bicep KeyVaultReferenceIdentity in Function App - Stack …
2024年2月5日 · Purpose of keyVaultReferenceIdentity in two places: Firstly, keyVaultReferenceIdentity under properties block is for specifying the User Managed Identity that will be used by the function app during runtime for interactions with the Key Vault, like retrieving or updating secrets.
Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis/diagnostics/loggers in …
2024年1月24日 · Azure Bicep: Cannot reference a child resource to a parent resource as an array Hot Network Questions Mean of temperature over two regions versus the sum of the mean temperatrue over each seperate region
azure - Bicep: Creating random string - Stack Overflow
2021年6月21日 · The intent in Bicep is that one creates fully idempotent templates so that you should receive the same output every time you attempt to deploy anything in Bicep. As such, randomString and newGuid both accept parameters you can use to seed the result, but you'll always get the same result for the new values you put in.
azure - bicep: how to deploy resource conditionally only if it does …
2023年3月28日 · I have following issue: I want to deploy storage account, only if it does not exist. I check the existence with az cli deployment script: resource checkStorageAccountExistence 'Microsoft.Resources/
Azure Bicep: deploy modules in specific order - Stack Overflow
2023年7月5日 · param aud string var apimServiceName = 'apim' var apimRg = 'apim-rg' module namedValues 'Modules/namedvalues.bicep' = { name: 'namedValue' scope:resourceGroup(apimRg) params: { apimServiceName: apimServiceName namedvalues_prefix: 'somePrefix' aud:aud } } // The api and its resources need to be deployed …
azure - OpenID Connect setup for App Service through Bicep
2024年3月21日 · Note: I have had troubles for making my app service accept access token, instead of the id token.And after a longer debugging session, I noticed that within the Troubleshoot feature inside Authentication it wrote this warning: "JWT validation failed: Audience validation failure - Expected: xxx; Token: yyy" .
What is Bicep? The ARM Template DSL | Microsoft Community Hub
2021年5月16日 · Azure Bicep Refreshed Microsoft has recently revealed an ARM Template DSL (Domain Specific Language), called Bicep to help devs build ARM templates quicker and easier. There are several ways of provisioning resources onto Azure – via Azure Portal , or PowerShell or Azure CLI , or Azure SDKs in different languages, which all leverages Azure ...
azure - Bicep deployment fails because there is supposedly one …
2024年12月12日 · Bicep deployment fails because there is supposedly one still running, but isnt. If you're still getting the message that a deployment is in an active status, even when using a timeframe, it might be at a different scope (such as the resource group or subscription level) or associated with a different name.
Azure Bicep - optional property based on a condition
2024年8月6日 · In Bicep, how can I define a property on a resource only if it matches a condition? For instance if I want to create an Azure Service Bus Standard Tier in my non-prod environment, then in it certain properties like "capacity" and "zoneRedundant" are not allowed properties, but they are allowed if I want to create a Premium Tier in my prod env.
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