Oceanic aquarium, good or no? | Cichlid Fish Forum
2013年7月27日 · The brand was moved from Texas to Franklin, Wi and was produced in the same factory as Aqueon/AGA in 2006. After 2007, the market for large premium aquariums crashed due to a combination of the recession and the trading down in the market to smaller aquarium sizes (particularly marine tanks).
Tank sizes | Cichlid Fish Forum
2024年9月13日 · Tank sizes Jump to Latest 607 views 3 replies 3 participants last post by djr955 Sep 14, 2024
Aquarium Dimensions - Cichlid Fish Forum
2009年12月24日 · STANDARD TANKS: VOLUME: DIMENSIONS: Gallons: Liters: Inches: Centimeters: 2½: 9½: 12 x 6 x 8: 30 x 15 x 20¼: 5½: 21: 16 x 8 x 10: 41 x 20¼ x 25½
aquarium sizes | Cichlid Fish Forum
2012年2月22日 · aquarium sizes Jump to Latest 956 views 6 replies 2 participants last post by lilcountrygal Feb 22, 2012
Best substrate for sand moving SA Cichlids? - Cichlid Fish Forum
2024年2月3日 · One other option we were considering is something from the CaribSea super natural series of sands, like this Carolina Creek blend. This one has a grain size of 1-25mm. They have other blends with larger grain sizes, but I really don't like aquarium gravels, I much prefer the look of sand. Super Naturals Substrate - Carolina Creek
Setting Up the Perfect Mbuna Environment | Cichlid Fish Forum
2009年12月24日 · AQUARIUM SIZE: Mbuna as we know them are nasty while colorful fish. This pugnacious behavior prevents us from keeping them in some of the smaller aquarium sizes. The best size aquarium to house mbuna is 70-90 gallons but the absolute smallest is 55 gallons.
New Six Foot Aquarium: Selecting a 125, 150 or 180...
2023年9月15日 · I recommend getting the widest possible aquarium you can at that length. Many people getting those 18 inch wide, six foot long aquariums regret later that they didn't opt initially to purchase a 24 inch wide tank instead (that gallon size used to be at 150 gallons, but the 180 gallon sized tank may now be the smallest production tank you ...
Demasoni: The 'Wrong' African Mbuna Cichlid? - Cichlid Fish Forum
2021年11月18日 · Is that because, (after multiple attempts with different aquarium sizes) the 75G wound up being the 'sweet spot' in size for this African Mbuna? Or, is it just how things ultimately worked out? @SenorStrum : I would be hugely interested to know if you have considered keeping a colony of this 'almost unkeepable' species.
Aquarium Calculator - Unit Conversion Tables - Cichlid Fish Forum
Aquarium Dimensions (inches) Enter the length: Enter the depth: Enter the height: Total Volume: Litres ...
Water parameter recommendations with seiryu stone
2024年8月28日 · Those landscaping/nursery businesses are THE BEST, for sourcing out aquarium rock! Find one that has various types, sizes and originations of rock for sale. Hopefully, you'll see those rocks displayed in piles, either on pallets or in big, heavy-duty wire baskets. Pick through those piles for the ones you like, have fun and WEAR GLOVES! -