The Council of Europe: guardian of Human Rights, Democracy …
23 JANUARY 2025. Serbia ratified the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (CETS No. 215) and the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events (CETS No. 218).. 17 JANUARY 2025. Latvia ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents (CETS No. 205).
The Council of Europe at a glance - Portal
What we do. Set standards, monitor compliance and work with states to: Fight violence against women, child sexual abuse, corruption, cybercrime, discrimination, racism, human trafficking, money laundering, organ trafficking, terrorism and torture
The Council of Europe: key facts - Portal
Core activities. Alongside the ECHR, the Council of Europe has developed more than 200 legally binding international treaties to help protect people from various threats including torture, violence and sexual abuse.; 42 member states have ratified the original or revised European Social Charter, which protects key economic and social rights, and 16 …
European Convention on Human Rights - The Council of Europe
A Convention to protect your rights and liberties. The European Convention on Human Rights is the first Council of Europe’s convention and the cornerstone of all its activities.
The Council of Europe: guardian of Human Rights, Democracy and …
23 JANUARY 2025. Serbia ratified the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (CETS No. 215) and the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events (CETS No. 218).. 17 JANUARY 2025. Latvia ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents (CETS No. 205).
More about Council of Europe
Avenue de l'Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00 Welcome More about Council of Europe
The Council of Europe: key facts - Telling the CoE's story
Core activities. Alongside the ECHR, the Council of Europe has developed more than 200 legally binding international treaties to help protect people from various threats including torture, violence and sexual abuse.; 42 member states have ratified the original or revised European Social Charter, which protects key economic and social rights, and 16 …
Home - Treaty Office - The Council of Europe
The text of all Council of Europe treaties, their explanatory reports, the status of signatures and ratifications, the declarations and reservations made by States, as well as the notifications issued by the Treaty Office since 2000, are available on this website.
European Convention on Human Rights - The Council of Europe
The European Convention on Human Rights is the first Council of Europe’s convention and the cornerstone of all its activities. It was adopted in 1950 and entered into force in 1953. Its ratification is a prerequisite for joining the Organisation. The European Court of …
Council of Europe consolidates action on migration and refugees
3 天之前 · On 15 January, Secretary General Alain Berset informed the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers about his decision to consolidate and intensify the Organisation’s efforts to tackle one of the most pressing issues facing the continent today. Recognising the need for stability and continuity, a dedicated Division on Migration and Refugees has been established within the Directorate ...