Hepvo Waterless Valve
The HepVo Waterless Valve replaces the old P Trap with a short tube and internal diaphragm that prevents backflow of air and water into showers and sinks.
Introducing HepvO - the Sanitary Waste Valve
HepvO is a unique dry-, self-sealing waterless waste valve that prevents the escape of foul sewer air from waste discharge systems, and actively maintains the pressure equilibrium in soil and waste installations.
HepvO is a self sealing valve designed to close the waste connection below a sanitary fixture to prevent the escape of foul sewer air into the dwelling. HepvO unlike conventional waste traps, does not rely on trapped water to create a seal. Instead, HepvO uses a self-sealing membrane which performs the same
The best waste trap for RV's - HepvO
Because HepvO is a waterless trap system, it performs successfully in RV’s and other moving vehicles where waste traps can lose their seal through movement and be prone to freezing and evaporation.
Installation, Maintenance and Cleaning of HepvO
With its compact design universal slip joint connection HepvO waste valve is easy to install, even in confined areas. It's also easy to clean Find out more..
1. Is HepvO used in addition to a conventional trap? NO, unlike other products which prevent foul odors entering the living space, HepvO is used instead of a conventional water-seal 4 trap. 2. Will I still need to install auxiliary venting on waste pipe branches? NO, HepvO acts as a highly effective local air admittance device,
Answers to the most commonly asked questions about HepvO
No, unlike other products that prevent foul odors entering the living space, Hep v O is used instead of a convetional water-seal trap. What are the dimensions of the Hep v O valve? Detailed dimensions are included in our downloadable data sheet.
Space saving waste trap for kitchens - HepvO
The HepvO sanitary waste valve will save space under the sink and can be installed in a number of kitchen applications including: garbage disposal, washing machines or dishwashers.
Sanitary waste valve in bathroom applications - HepvO
As Hep v O is waterless, it prevents foul air from entering a building when siphonage might have otherwise been a factor. Hep v O can be installed horizontally by using the 90 degree adapter, which avoids cutting the floor under baths and showers to accommodate the ‘U’ bend of a trap.
Where to use a sanitary waste valve - HepvO
HepVo Waterless traps are the only way to go! As a manufacturer, time means money. Hepvo traps can be installed in fractions or the time of standard P-traps and work perfectly for our business. They screw right on with virtually no experience needed for install.