médicos a los inmigrantes hispanos.
José Ramos todavía no entiende cómo pasó lo que pasó. Se pregunta una y otra vez cómo su vida lo condujo hasta ese episodio. Hace 39 años nació en San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico. Hace 26 llegó a Filadelfia ...
President Barack Obama is not only considering taking some sort of executive action to legalize undocumented immigrants, but also making changes to the immigration system based on petitions of big ...
"Damaris" of the lush black hair and inquisitive dark eyes is a single mom and for the past four years has been a sex worker in Mexico City, fighting day by day against discrimination and police ...
Secretary of State John Kerry, TV Celebrity Bill Nye and billionaire Tom Steyer are just a few big names that stood up against climate change this week—and those who deny its existence. A recent Pew ...
There is no Latino civil rights activist and labor leader more beloved than Cesar Chavez. So beloved, in fact, that in 2014 a Republican candidate running for a U.S. congressional seat in Arizona ...
South of South Walking Tour is the first guided tour organized by Mural Arts Philadelphia to kick off Spring 2023. On this occasion, the tour explores the history behind the murals, the architecture ...
Between smoke, stones and debris, groups of rescuers and volunteers working against the clock to save as many lives as possible, have managed to communicate to systematize their work, transforming the ...
A ‘manifesto’ supposedly penned by Dylann Storm Roof, the white man accused of gunning down nine African American people in a South Carolina church on Wednesday, has sent shockwaves across the ...
For most soccer aficionados, Carlos Alberto Valderrama Palacio, or “El Pibe”, needs no formal introduction. But, for those of you who may have not grown up in a Colombian household where “The Kid” was ...
en su peor pesadilla por sus leyes anti-inmigrantes.
The PEW Research Center recently released a study of racial bias between Blacks, whites, Asians and biracial individuals. Results varied between striking and predictable. First, the obvious. Using an ...