Could 2025 be the year marine protection efforts get a “glow up”? According to a team of conservation-minded researchers, including Octavio Aburto of UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography ...
We analyze the interactions among marine ecology and biodiversity, fisheries, socioeconomics, climate change, and more. We use sequence-based approaches, flow cytometry, modeling, and other techniques ...
The study of the oceans and ecology of marine organisms in the geologic past, largely through the marine sedimentary record. The Human Ecology Laboratory groups together students and researchers to ...
One of Scripps's longest-running data centers, serving reference-quality hydrographic ocean data to an international community for over 20 years Studies fundamental physical processes that govern ...
The study of the earth's changing magnetic field at geological and societal timescales, especially through the analysis of remanent magnetism in rocks and human artifacts.
The primary area of research is air-sea interaction, including the topics of surface wave dynamics, air-sea fluxes, upper ocean turbulence, including Langmuir circulations, and the remote sensing of ...
The Scripps O 2 Program measures changes in atmospheric oxygen levels from air samples collected at stations around the world. CAICE is a Center for Chemical Innovation focused on the fundamental ...