While Gazans shouldn't be compelled to move from their homes, they should be allowed to escape the generational tragedy foisted on them by the Arab world and their nihilistic leaders.
It's on the big issues that the broader party is currently foundering, and there is no evidence they'll find their way anytime soon.
Persistently failing schools should be slammed shut, and students should be offered the chance to attend another school. The State Education Department has a procedure called receivership – which ...
Auctions of the spectrum and other federal assets will drive progress and prosperity – and raise revenue to pay for tax cuts or retire our debt that is soon to eclipse $40 trillion. What's not to like ...
From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in ...
The Center for Individual Freedom needs interns year-round. We are small, nimble and aggressive. We engage on a wide range of issues and we are always on the lookout for sharp students who are ...
Higher inflation leads to higher interest rates, which lead to higher debt-service costs, which then require more government borrowing or money creation, potentially fueling further inflation. The ...
This is no joke. It looks like Newsweek has allowed its collective editorial id to design the cover of the magazine’s newest issue. Remember, there was a time when this was one of America’s ...
CON laws ‘represent one of the worst’ anti-competitive healthcare regulations. “President Trump’s administration urged repeal of state CON laws because it understood CON laws reduce access to ...
Asked whether the United States has 'made progress, stood still or lost ground' over the past four years on 18 salient issues, more respondents said that we’d 'lost ground' on 17. This week marks the ...
Voters in blue cities have to watch the conflagration in Los Angeles and realize that they get what they vote for. New Yorkers, Chicagoans, Denverites and other blue-city residents should feel scared ...