“Wait with no specifics? I always say ‘dirty martini, Bombay Sapphire, extra olives… but filthy like Shrek lives inside that glass please,” someone asked. “If they just say a dirty martini I assume ...
If you prefer something closer to a classic martini, try Ol’ Dirty Bastard, with olive-infused and olive oil-washed vodka but no olive garnish. It’s like drinking olive brine. Either cocktail ...
Not sure how long your bottled espresso martini will last after it's opened? It turns out, it depends on the bottle you ...
Spring time is fruit time for your cocktails, but if you're feeling adventurous then you can expand your drinks arsenal ...
Douglas Ankrah concocted the original Pornstar Martini cocktail in London back in the early aughts. It’s a modern classic—vanilla vodka, passion fruit liqueur, passion fruit purée ...
More potent by half at 60% alcohol, it’s made for blending into multi-ingredient mixed drinks. With the revival of the vodka ...
What's the perfect martini? It might not exist — but it's the reach for perfection that gives the classic cocktail its ...
Celebrate National Espresso Martini Day with recipes from creative Cleveland bartenders or visit them and test their versions ...
The espresso martini gets a Southern makeover with chicory cold brew and a machine for a perfect pour at Bubba ...
The beauty of mixing up cocktails is that, more often than not, the easiest cocktails are also the most delicious.