The two major components in a small computer network are a modem and wireless router. The modem is wired to the Internet via the cable company's coaxial cable, the telephone company's DSL phone ...
A modem-router combo merges two essential components of your home’s internet connectivity: the modem, which establishes your connection to the internet; and the router, which distributes that ...
Instead of wiring each of your devices to your modem, you wire a router to it. From there, that router broadcasts a Wi-Fi network. Any Wi-Fi device in range of that network can use whatever ...
Enter the isolated USB null-modem. The device consists of two USB Communication Device Class, or CDC chips, creating a USB serial port for each attached computer. The TX and RX lines are cross ...
A cellular modem via USB is a "USB modem ... smartphones and stand-alone broadband routers convert cellular signals into a Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to nearby devices. See cellular hotspot ...
Sourcing an old USRobotics USB modem — allegedly in ‘working’ condition — he proceeded to strip the modem board of many of its components to make room for the new electronic guts.