Turbulent combustion is a complex process that involves the interaction of turbulence and chemical reactions. Understanding and modeling this interaction is crucial for improving combustion ...
Dr. Lee is an experimentalist interested in studying turbulent and spray combustion, including high-pressure diesel and gasoline spray and fundamental turbulent flames. Dr. Lee’s research interests ...
Large eddie simulations (LES) is an advanced turbulence modelling approach with the potential to more accurately predict the combustion phenomena that drive the heat transfer, pollutant emissions, and ...
The HyperBLaF is a Mach 8 blowdown wind tunnel used for fundamental studies of compressible turbulence, shock wave/boundary layer interactions, shock/shock interactions and configuration studies of ...
The Combustion and Flow Research Laboratory (CFRL) at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI, focuses on turbulence, thermodynamics, and combustion research with emphasis on energy conversion ...
His research interests are in mathematical modeling, multiscale processes, stochastic analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, combustion, and multiphase flows. He ...
He is currently Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor Mungal's research efforts have covered supersonic and subsonic mixing and combustion, turbulent reacting jets in coflow and crossflow, ...