Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
灰狼球星「蚁人」爱德华兹(Anthony Edwards)吞下本季第5笔罚单,NBA宣布因为他在比赛做出的不雅手势,罚他5万美元(新台币165万),他累积的罚款已突破30万美元(新台币992万)。上周125比127输给灰熊的比赛,爱德 ...
鹈鹕终于盼到顶薪大前锋「萨诺斯」锡安威廉森(Zion Williamson)回归,缺阵27场之后,威廉森8日先发对战灰狼,攻下22分6篮板4助攻3抄截(投15中9)。无奈灰狼「蚁人」爱德华兹(Anthony Edwards)连场扮演英雄,飙 ...
El delantero mexicano Raúl Jiménez consiguió su decimo gol de la temporada 2024-2025 en el partido del Fulham ante el Watford.