Understanding credit card swipe charges is crucial for users to manage costs effectively. These fees, determined by card ...
According to entrepreneurs quoted in a November New York Times story, swipe fees can eat up 4 percent or more of their annual revenue, slicing nearly $20,000 out of a merchant’s yearly profits.
Retailers can’t join in the defense of an Illinois law banning bank “swipe fees” on sales taxes and tips, a federal judge ...
That’s why it’s critical for lawmakers to pass the Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA), which would drive down hidden swipe fees that are adding to the financial burden felt by so many.
ABC Action News Consumer Reporter Susan El Khoury looks at what Congress is doing to try and resolve the credit card swipe ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — State legislation that would block credit card networks and banks from charging Maryland merchants swipe ...
and the companies must negotiate the fees with merchant-buying groups. The law firm that announced the settlement put the value of the savings in swipe fees at close to $30 billion. The settlement ...
PHOENIX (AZFamily) — For years, credit card swipe ... card fees. The fees have gone up dramatically. In fact, since 2010, the fees have quadrupled,” said Doug Kantor, a member of the merchant ...