Emergency overdose reversal kits have been installed at some public facilities in Durango. The kits contain naloxone, a nasal spray that can be used to help treat an opioid overdose. They also include ...
A major trial in frontotemporal dementia patients has found that oxytocin can help improve symptoms of apathy. A new study led by Western researchers suggests that frequent treatment with intranasal o ...
THOUSANDS of Brits plagued by constant sneezing, a streaming nose and red, watery eyes could be given a ‘life-changing’ pill on the NHS. The National Institute for Healthcare and Care ...
The FDA has approved the use of Spravato, an antidepressant nasal spray, as a standalone treatment for depression in the U.S. Sue Varma discusses why she supports the use of the drug and how it may ...
School nurses, teachers or other people trained and qualified would be authorized to administer the nasal spray to a student or staff member experiencing symptoms of an opioid overdose.