Pakkay Dost, the beloved children's puppet show renowned for its captivating storytelling and emphasis on the Urdu language, is thrilled to announce their partnership with ConnectHear, as stated by ...
Jenna and Matt Moench of Kearney had their first discussion about baby sign language about six years ago. That’s when the birth of their first daughter, Emmy, prompted them to decide multiple ...
The newly-published report says that "inspirational deaf and hearing staff inspire pupils to believe they can achieve anything. Consequently, pupils develop pride in their deaf identity and culture." ...
Living with disabilities comes with its own set of challenges, but for many, the struggle lies in overcoming social discrimination and being sidelined for being different.
New signing classes for babies and parents have been launched in Exmouth. Signing Babies classes aim to enable early communication, before speech, using signing techniques. Weekly themes include fruit ...