For January’s Traffic Safety Spotlight, SGI is urging the province’s residents to stay alert and focused on the road while driving — Driving is inherently dangerous, so don’t let anything distract you ...
So instead of scrolling through Instagram as night falls I turn to my sketch pad and draw Huay Xai – my introduction to ... where more than 30 Theravada Buddhist wats glimmer amidst quaint ...
Talking to yourself is a normal and common behavior. Whether internal or spoken aloud, most people engage in self-talk regularly. When it’s positive and supportive, self-talk can be a healthy way to ...
Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes (ZVK), the largest of the two sub-funds of Germany’s SOKA-BAU, the pension funds for employees in the construction industry, with approximately €10bn in total ...
The nature center, owned and operated by the Buddhist organization, Soka Gakkai International-USA, argues in the lawsuit that the Everglades project — which has been in the works for over 15 ...
All of these names and several more also made appearances in a new promotional video, specifically recreating a red brand intro from WWE's Attitude Era. "All these years later and it still gets us ...
Chennai: Tamil Nadu’s Buddhist history hasn’t got much attention from mainstream historians. But a new paper maps the widespread travels of a 16th-century Buddhist yogi from Rameswaram. He set out ...
30). “Naturally, such tenets and practices make a peaceful natural environment a priority for SGI and a goal of the religious practices of Nichiren Buddhist members.” The Army’s C-11 ...
What began as a Buddhist practice for relieving suffering has been secularized and reframed as a modern science with very little connection to its Buddhist roots. Based on the extensive research ...
The culture center is an arm of the SGI-USA, which is part of a global religious community of more than 11 million people who practice Nichiren Buddhism. “The FNCC hosts thousands of SGI ...
There was more flaying than I expected, though not necessarily more than I wanted, at “Mandalas: Mapping the Buddhist Art of Tibet.” Any visitors going to the Met’s exhibition in search of ...