In a cinematic turn of events, a 34-year-old Brazilian man allegedly stole two wristwatches worth over Rs 3.3 lakh from a duty-free store at Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) in Bengaluru before ...
Apple Intelligence is the Cupertino company's name for the AI that now sits at the beating heart of its operating systems on iPhone, iPad and Mac. But rather than being released in one go, Apple ...
Here’s how it works. Finding the best Apple deals used to be a challenge, but these days? Not so much. Retailers like Amazon, Best Buy, and B&H Photo are currently offering some of the best ...
The fruit in question is known as the custard apple - or the cherimoya. The reason you might not have heard of it is because it is more widely found outside the UK, in parts of South America ...
The fruit in question is the custard apple - or cherimoya. It's not widely known in the UK as it's more commonly found in parts of South America, Asia, and Spain. This large, green, conical or ...
The upcoming products guide is the go-to place to see all of the Apple products that are upcoming at a glance. For more information, make sure to click on the included links to visit our ...
Storing avocados in a paper bag with an apple or banana can speed up their ripening, but for those in a real hurry, there's a quicker trick that can ripen avocados in just 10 minutes. TikTok user ...
In addition to the fine, the judge’s decision also orders Apple and Google to pay compensation of R$500 (US$82) to each person in Brazil who has downloaded and used FaceApp since June 2020.
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Travel warnings have been issued in several countries for Israeli tourists with military service backgrounds who had completed reserve duty in the current war following the Brazilian Federal Court ...
Mr Freitas died after having a heart attack while sleeping. Gabriel Freitas, a Brazilian reality TV star and fitness influencer who gained international attention for his remarkable 174-kg weight ...