When it comes to buying outdoor gear, REI is unsurprisingly one of the top options for most people. Whether for hiking and ...
Ahead of a California law that will change the buying habits of campers here, REI is ramping up a national propane exchange program for the handheld canisters commonly used to fuel camping stoves and ...
Recreational Equipment Inc., the outdoor-gear retailer better known as REI, is getting a new trail guide. The struggling ...
The new Eugene location will be the second-largest in the state, the company said, at over 30,120 square feet.
Recreational Equipment, Inc., aka REI, has announced Mary Beth as the company's new CEO. The previous CEO, Eric Artz, is ...
"Eric has led and stabilized REI through some of the most challenging years the retail sector and our co-op ever faced. REI ...
Unionized employees want to change the storied retailer's direction. But they'll have to get through the "member-elected" board first.
REI Co-op announced this week it will relocate from the historic Planing Mill Building in Eugene’s Whiteaker neighborhood across the river to Oakway Center.
That includes this hooded jacket that’s a screaming deal at $40 off and built for comfort, winter weather, and outdoor ...
REI Co-op workers here voted to unionize, becoming the 11th store location to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store ...
Specialty outdoor retailer REI Co-op will relocate its Eugene, Oregon store in early 2026. The co-op will move to Oakway ...