reduce apoptosis and increase survival of mature oligodendrocytes in vitro. The effects of activated microglia on OPC and oligodendrocyte viability are present even as microglia themselves undergo ...
Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) are the major source of newly formed myelinating cells in the CNS. Thus, we studied in vitro platelets - OPCs interactions. Consistent with these observations, ...
When comparing ERDs with PRDs, our results showed a higher number of early-stage BCAS1 + oligodendrocytes in PRDs compared to ERDs in remyelinated lesions. However, no significant differences were ...
A preliminary experiment was conducted to determine the response of microglia to varying doses of LPS. Microglia were exposed to 1 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml of TNFα for 24 hours. This ...
Recent studies have identified alterations in microglia leading to detrimental effects on the pruning process of both synapses, neural progenitor cells, and more recently, oligodendrocytes. Dr. Nemes ...