Many individuals can benefit from minimally invasive spine surgery, such as those living with degenerative disc disease, ...
Overall, surgical de-escalation in gynecologic oncology increased from 2004 to 2020, with a growing shift toward minimally ...
The camera has reduced spinal patients' exposure to X-rays by 47% and has been successfully used to remove two tumors from ...
引言在探索脑功能的过程中,如何无创且精确地捕捉深层脑区的分子动态一直是研究者面临的巨大挑战。现有技术,如荧光标记的基因编码分子传感器,虽在神经活动监测中取得了巨大的成就,但其依赖荧光标记的特性使其在复杂生物分子信息的全面呈现方面受到限制。尤其是当研究 ...
Successful ETV on 22-day-old premature baby weighing 1,200 grams for hydrocephalus, surpassing previous record, with minimal risks.