Lemon-flavored alcoholic drinks have quickly filled the market void in Japan created by younger consumers’ diminished thirst for beer. Beverage makers are racing to pitch lemon-based ready-to ...
A hangover, Dasgupta said, "is what happens when you drink more alcohol than your body can handle. It's a combination of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, inflammation and your liver working ...
Shortly afterward, a second federal report warned that people who consume more than nine drinks per week have a one in 100 chance of dying from their habit, due to alcohol’s links to a range of ...
Extensive research shows that drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer ... that the risk increases even for people who have one drink per day, which is considered moderate.
Talking with your children about alcohol requires preparation. You must get information and facts to answer their questions. And you need information to give them practical advice on how to deal with ...
Almave Blanco Blue Agave Spirit is the purest expression of blue agave, with balanced sweetness and acidity perfect for mixing in a margarita, or your favorite tequila cocktail. “There’s a huge ...