Researchers have revolutionized quantum technology by achieving long-lasting entanglement between molecules using ...
Since then, Russia and China have also achieved docking many times. India, therefore, is the fourth country.
Israel begins deploying $5.2B in US aid to enhance its missile shield, including Iron Dome upgrades and the new Iron Beam ...
Faced with progressively stringent requirements, companies are seeking methane monitoring technologies that make compliance easier.
High-powered fiber lasers are making endothermic cutting—using nitrogen, air, and gas mixing—a dominant method, but as Andujo ...
The recent overthrow of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad has had massive geopolitical implications for the entirety of the Middle East ...
Home > Pressemitteilung: High-precision images and lasers for ...
A frothy breakthrough at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), using lasers with a silver metal foam that's as light as air, has created the brightest yet X-ray source ever, twice as ...
By combining the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser and ultra-light metal foams, researchers at Lawrence Livermore ...
There's no band in sight — instead the seats tilt back giving each attendee a full view of the dome-shaped ceiling.
Scientists have observed “bending” atoms using a crystal grating—an experiment once believed impossible at the high energies ...