The adventures of Shaolin monk Kwai Chang Caine as he wanders through the American West, armed only with his spiritual training and his skill in Kung Fu.
The group of kung fu nuns, aged from 17 to 30, are members of the 1,000 year-old Drukpa lineage, which gives nuns equal status as monks and is the only female order in the patriarchal Buddhist ...
Use it at your own risk! Kung Fu Flash will work with the PAL and NTSC version of the Commodore 64 or Commodore 128. Disk drive emulation is using kernal vectors and will not work with fast loaders or ...
If you think learning kung fu is difficult, meet Mohammad Ullah, an American lawyer who can switch between at least seven forms of Chinese martial arts. Mohammad Ullah practices drunken fist at ...
Were China to fetch up in the American hemisphere — a naval presence in Panama’s waters for instance — will the world complain about the counterbalance to US unipolarity?