Quickly she stepped to three westerns, playing a leading lady to ... taken from the world at a time they are needed most.” James Cagney: “Carole Lombard died doing her job for her country.
Finding a good movie to watch on Amazon Prime Video can be difficult to say the least. While Amazon’s robust library of titles is available to every Amazon Prime subscriber, they don’t exactly ...
Staying in the world of Western comedies, The Ridiculous 6 is among the best examples out there albeit it was absolutely crapped on when it released as Adam Sandler’s first movie on Netflix. It’s ...
Collette Grimes is a freelance fashion and culture writer who is always on the lookout for emerging designers, brands, and products.
It’s the end of an era for 16 buildings in James Cook University’s western campus, which are set to be demolished. Find out why, and what will happen next. With 30 years of history working at ...
Johnstown native Dr. James P. Bradley will join the Western Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame during the annual induction ceremony in Pittsburgh April 12. The chapter announced the ...
He received an honorary Oscar in 2019. Since news broke that he died, stars like Steven Spielberg, James Gunn, Ron Howard, Colin Jost, Kat Dennings, Patton Oswalt, Eli Roth, Judd Apatow and more ...