Actor and MP Hema Malini was among the other million devotees who took a holy dip in the sangam on Mauni Amavasya. In one of the viral videos from the Maha Kumbh, Hema shared a light moment with yoga ...
In an exclusive chat with Pinkvilla, Russell Howard shared his excitement about performing in India for the first time, explaining how he plans to mix old material with new observations inspired by ...
Russell Howard talks about touring India for the first time, his writing process, getting heckled while grocery shopping and much more in an exclusive chat with Pinkvilla.
Team India registered a narrow two-wicket victory against England in the second T20I on Saturday, January 25, at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai.
Hitesh Rathore came to Scotland from Sirohi in southern Rajasthan after falling in love with the song 'Feather on the Clyde' by Passenger and Nina Nesbitt. The Glaswegian sense of humour inspired him ...