The shape of our planet is one of the unknowns that has always existed on Earth. It has aconcreteshape and is something that ...
What if the Earth were flat? From gravity to day-night cycles, life as we know it would change dramatically. Explore the fascinating and bizarre consequences of living on a flat Earth and what it ...
Flat Earth conspiracy theorist Mark Sargent argued on an episode of MAD THAT podcast that the 1969 Moon landing was staged.
Stuart Clark: It’s so clearly obvious that the world isn’t flat. We see when ships leave the harbour you can see as they gradually disappear below the horizon. You can see if you go up on top ...
There is no dearth of vastness, secrets and rumours around the universe, that is the disc shaped or torus shaped cosmos.
the Earth appears flat to us? From horizon to horizon, our world looks like a two-dimensional plane. How can this be? Are the flat-Earthers actually onto something when they say the Earth is flat?
Spoiler: The Earth is not flat. But US rapper B.o.B. is crowd-funding the launch of satellites to see if he can get some evidence to the contrary. The rapper, whose real name is Bobby Ray Simmons ...
There is a theory that the Earth is flat. According to this belief, our planet is like a disc, and not a sphere as we are told now. The flat Earth theory holds that the North Pole is the centre ...
The world is so flat today that when social media users are denied access to a platform, they will flow like quicksilver to another platform. According to, by October 2024 ...