A step-by-step guide to expand your succulent collection from pups, stem cuttings, and seeds. Propagating an aloe vera plant ...
Known for its healing properties, aloe vera can soothe burns, moisturise your skin, and even add a touch of beauty to your home. If you’ve ever wanted to own this plant but weren't sure where to ...
If you’re wondering how to tell if your aloe vera plant needs repotting, look for the signs described in this step-by-step guide. Then, find out how to repot an aloe vera properly so it will ...
Knowing how to care for an aloe vera plant is a relatively easy task when you consider the many benefits this popular plant offers. Unlike how to care for an orchid, this desert plant is quite ...
Aloe Vera is a widely favored and low-maintenance plant, but its successful growth requires a good grasp of its water and sunlight requirements, which mimic the conditions of its native hot climate.
For the best experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. The species that do well in Kenya is aloe vera Bardadensis (and Aloe Chinensis). One ...
In comparison to the rigid, pointed leaves you typically see on a healthy aloe vera plant, these leaves are limp and flaccid – and are often a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.
How often to water an aloe vera plant is a little different than how often you might water other houseplants that thrive with consistent moisture. Aloes need to dry out more than a lush ...
With chia seeds, aloe vera gel, honey, and optional lemon juice, this mask hydrates, nourishes, and rejuvenates the skin. Apply the mask, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off for fresh ...