Several of Donald Trump’s picks for his Cabinet and key roles in his administration are facing confirmation hearings in the Senate today as the president continues to implement executive actions to ...
The polar regions are the coldest places on Earth. During the summer, the poles receive 24 hours of sunlight, but during the winter the sun is rarely visible. Animals that inhabit nature’s freezers ...
Migratory waterbirds are great examples – hundreds of thousands of wading birds throng to our coastal wetlands – estuaries, mudflats, lagoons and saltmarshes. Most arrive in late summer or autumn, and ...
Greenland is one of the few places on Earth where climate change is sometimes referred to as an opportunity by making it less inhabitable for those who live there and more accessible to those who ...
The Mahaweli Diversion Project was a dream on which Dudley (Senanayake) had spent many hours of labour. His planners had broken it down into five or six major projects with dams and electricity ...