本手册是 Anki 的官方文档的中文翻译。Anki 是一款记忆软件,通过间隔重复和主动回忆测试帮助用户记住信息,从而更轻松地高效学习。 原文档由 Anki 的开发者 Damien Elmes 和志愿者编写,原文档的最新版本可以在 Anki 官方网站找到。 这份翻译在知识共享署名-相同 ...
As AutoCodeRover becomes part of Sonar’s platform, enterprises should track its impact on software development workflows and technical debt reduction.
Sega had a great run of gaming consoles starting with the Sega Master System and ending with the Dreamcast. While their last ...
This potential post-work era can be an opportunity. For organizations, it’s a call to rise and rethink what leadership truly means in an age of AI. For individuals, it’s an invitation to tap into ...