HIGHLIGHTS:5.0m grading 9.69 g/t gold4.3m grading 9.87 g/t gold15.0m grading 2.54 g/t gold11.65m grading 1.86 g/t gold11.6m grading 1.72 g/t ...
The staff from the city of Rifle has begun discussing if they can implement a field house into the city for the benefit of ...
Plans were unveield to explore the idea of a new East Coast Main Line station in Killingworth last November. However, ...
The Barnstable Town Council is asking MassDevelopment to undertake a feasibility study about establishing a military and ...
Tom Tripoli is on a mission to halt the demolition of the former Western Penitentiary along the Ohio River in Pittsburgh's ...
Potential locations for the indoor sports complex have been identified and evaluated, but there are years of fundraising and ...
HighlightsLarge-scale, C$20M technical program to be completed during 2025.Transforming Haib into a top-tier, high quality, low risk copper ...
A looming deadline to convert all public school district bus fleets from diesel to zero-emission electric units across New York state has districts rolling up their sleeves to create a workable plan.
Following a review of agencies’ AI actions, researchers report that governance is still “hindered by limited transparency, ...
Closing Africa’s infrastructure financing gap also requires attracting new sources of capital. USTDA is doing so through partnerships with entities such as Paris-based Meridiam SAS, which has invested ...
"Our current status is that the Mars Sample Return Strategy Review team is delivering a final report to NASA's associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate before the end of [2024].