It's the epic NERF HEAVY WEAPONS GUY BATTLE! This video is titled NERF WAR: Kid vs Dad SHOWDOWN! The featured nerf gun in the video is the Nerf Double Punch blaster! Become a member! <a href ...
It's the epic NERF WAR CLONES BATTLE! The featured Nerf gun in the video is the Nerf Rival Challenger which Danny wields as he tries to battle his Nerf War Clone! MacDannyGun Limited Time MERCH ...
There's never a bad time to break out the best Nerf guns, but they're a particularly good way to chase off those January doldrums. New year, new you... new Nerf blasters? Sounds about right to us.
Armed police swarmed two boys who were playing with Nerf guns at a park. Officers wielding real guns rushed to the scene and yelled at the youngsters to get on the ground and put down their “weapons”, ...
Three unrelated patients attended the accident and emergency department with pain and blurred vision after ocular injury with a Nerf gun. Two were adults and one was a child, all of which presented ...
A family in Pasir Ris has drawn both admiration and criticism for turning foam dart gun practice into a unique family bonding activity ... Black Raisins @weKaypoh @Mothership @jagjag ...
Sussex Police say toy guns should only be used on private property, with permission from the landowner (stock image) A mother says her 13-year-old son is "still in shock" and "struggling to sleep ...
She said the officers only realised they were fake after taking the Nerf guns and shooting the foam bullets for themselves at Greenleas Recreation Ground, in Brighton, on Saturday. Annette ...