The future of anime lies in new multimedia technologies like VR and AR, promising even more immersive and mind-blowing experiences. Anime is an original media art form taking its roots from Japan.
Best Anime Movies Of All Time Best Anime Movies Best Anthology Movies Best Anime Short Films Best Anime TV Shows Of All Time Best Anime TV Shows Of All Time Best Anime Series Best Anime OVAs Best ...
As fans would hope, Dragon Ball Daima feels like a love letter to what’s made this franchise such a staple in anime and manga. Charming art direction, slick animation, and exciting martial arts ...
Powerhouse’s anime-style art direction looks like a seamless fit, and following the recent game trilogy is an exciting way to see her grow into the veteran adventurer longtime fans have come to ...
artists are able to create and store art and music, and through bitcoin's (now many) Layer 2's can do much more, including streaming, subscription creation, auctions, and digital collectibles," he ...
Writing, art, photography, and videos all serve as mediums for capturing and holding onto those snippets of time. However, one person's reality can differ entirely from another's—it all hinges on ...
In this series, technology experts will provide you with unique insights into the challenges associated with digital transformation and how innovative, cloud-based services, solutions, and ...
With more than 1,800 laptops tested, these are the best laptops for drawing and digital art if you're an artist. Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we ...