The fact that you can't breathe on the moon probably isn't surprising. That said, the moon does have an atmosphere; it's just very different than Earth's.
It means that we see the same side of the Moon that we have, and will continue to do so throughout our entire lives - so news ...
The Global Market for Small Satellite Star Tracker was estimated to be worth USD 652 Million in 2023 and is forecast to a ...
The company brings the MIURA family of space vehicle launches closer to its customers in Middle East and ensures the execution of the MIURA 5 flight manifest, alongside its reference base at the CSG i ...
Engineers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh are working on a satellite-based system for data links. The venture forms ...
The current Space Force policy of seeking to compete militarily with China to prevent a future space war has left America ...
Before arriving at the moon, the small satellite mission will use the gravity of the sun, Earth, and moon over several months ...
The Lunar Trailblazer satellite will depart at the end of the month on a mission to find and map water on the surface of the ...
Dark matter is thought to outnumber regular matter by a factor of five to one – so why can’t we find the stuff? A new study ...
Astroscale Holdings Inc. targets 50% of the $18.2B on-orbit services market with space debris solutions. Click here to find ...
Low-Earth orbit is shaping up to be the next battleground for PNT, according to a new FrontierSI report on low-Earth orbit ...