From the best hiking boots to the best camping storage boxes, outdoor gear is in my blood. I love to hike, bike, run, swim, paddle and scramble. I’m also an outdoors-focused strength coach who helps ...
The garden's brightly colored plants sharply contrast the Sonoran Desert's cinnamon-red buttes, and numerous hiking trails – like the Plants and People of the Sonoran Desert and the Harriet K.
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The more time spent in confused disarray meant more time spent outdoors, so my unnamed hiking partner and I didn ... could be seen from the 3,000-foot desert summit, a stretch of refuge water ...
In both instances, I prioritized high-quality hiking gear, particularly footwear and socks. “Proper gear is essential for maintaining comfort and performance—after all, cold, wet ...
My wife, Deb, and I have hiked in and around several ancient volcanoes in our 35 years of desert hiking. It was time for another—West Cinder Knoll just north of Hurricane. West Cinder Knoll ...