On Christmas Day, Osamu Suzuki, the 94-year-old former chairman of the eponymous automotive firm, passed away. Annually, nearly two million cars and half a million two-wheelers wearing the Suzuki ‘S’ ...
The former head of Suzuki Motors, Osamu Suzuki, has passed away over the Christmas period. While you’d be forgiven for assuming that Osamu-san was an original member of the founding Suzuki family, he ...
Osamu Suzuki, born Osamu Matsuda, began his journey at Suzuki Motor Corp. in 1958, starting at a junior level. When he married Shoko Suzuki, the granddaughter of the company’s founder, he ...
Osamu Suzuki, who has died aged 94, was the longest-serving head of a global automotive marque, having built his adoptive family’s business into a major manufacturer of small cars and motorcycles.