Light and electron microscopy have distinct limitations. Light microscopy makes it difficult to resolve smaller and smaller features, and electron microscopy resolves small structures, but samples ...
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been emerging as a multifunctional molecular tool in nanobiology and nanomedicine. This review summarizes the recent advances in AFM study of living mammalian ...
Multiphoton microscopy is a general term for a variety of fluorescence and non-fluorescence microscopy techniques that rely on multiple photons interacting with either individual molecules or ...
The OpenFlexture Microscope is a DIY, open-source, 3D-printed microscope built around the Raspberry Pi 4, a Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2, and a choice of optics or various qualities up to lab-grade ...
Specimens were sectioned into beams and microtensile bond strength was tested (μTBS; 0.5 mm/min) immediately or after 18-month aging. Failure modes were analyzed using a digital microscope. Data (μTBS ...
These issues were primarily attributed to the extended distance between the heater and the specimen, coupled with airflow at Point II ... we introduced two heating devices designed to enhance live ...
Fixed and iDISCO-cleared E11.5-day mouse embryos were immunostained for neurons (TuJ1, cyan) and blood vessels (CD31, magenta), imaged with confocal microscopy and processed with a trained DeAbe ...
During off-hours (between 19:00 and 8:00) the prices are reduced by 50 %. Long time-lapse imaging should always be scheduled during these hours. 24 hours cancellation notice is required to avoid ...
The Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory, the core microscopy facility of the University of Oklahoma-Norman, offers access to instrumentation, training, and service. Our mission is to provide ...
The BX51WI is ideal for all physiological experiments such as patch clamping and intravital microscopy ... interference this can cause to the specimens and adjacent equipment.
The facility hosts three confocal microscopes and one Multiphoton (MP) confocal. These include the point scanning Leica TCS SP8 STED, the Leica SP8 DIVE MP the swept-field VT-iSIM and the Zeiss LSM700 ...