Railway lines are the backbone of Europe’s clean transport transition, but they’re not improving quick enough.
Jacob Mikanowski is a historian, author, and journalist who takes us through Czechoslovakia's uniquely complex but, at the ...
For a small country that’s been tossed around a fair bit, the Czech Republic (or Czechia) has a well-developed sense of humour. During a year spent working in Czechoslovakia (as was) from ...
Despite recent expansions, new data reveals an uneven pace of progress of railways in Europe, highlighting both successes and ...
The Czech debt to GDP ratio hit its lowest point of 11.6% in 1996. See our Economic Overview Of Czechia to get a better idea of the country’s global GDP standings, as well as import and export metrics ...
Yes, he was a dictator, but he had the best foreign policy,” she declared, prompting a reaction from the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile ...
The best times to visit Prague are the spring and early fall when the weather is mild and there are fewer crowds. Because of the city's generally chilly climate, the warmer summer months (average ...