"Superman" (2025) is an upcoming superhero film directed by James Gunn. This version of Superman is a fresh start to the character’s storyline in the new DC superhero universe. As per the trailer of ...
The actor reflected on how he approached not just Superman, but the equally as important role of Clark Kent, and while he wasn't well-versed in comics when cast in the movie, he dove into them to help ...
Superman and Krypto officially took off with the first teaser trailer for James Gunn’s Superman, the inaugural entry in the all-new DC Universe. Donning the red cape for the first time is David ...
Superman is one of the most recognized fictional characters in the world. And as an embodiment of truth, justice, and hope, the Man of Tomorrow is also the most inspirational superhero to have ...
Either way, it will be interesting to see how Corenswet deals with the duality of Clark Kent / Superman compared to past iterations of the character. Funnily enough, in a Q&A after the trailer’s ...