As the Lunar New Year unfolds into its third day, the air is still thick with the warmth of reunion and the joyous echoes of celebration. This poster is more than just an illustration of the third day ...
在澳洲的泳池维护行业,华人女性屈指可数,Wendy鲁可能是第一个该行业内拿到私家泳池和商业泳池双执照的华人女性。她说,跟男性比起来,女性做这一行其实更有优势。点击音频收听播客故事 ...
代码已经复制到剪贴板。 一架美航客机周三(1月29日)晚间9点多在美国华府附近的罗纳德·里根国家机场降落时与一架美军“黑鹰”直升机在空中相撞后坠入波托马克河。事故仍在调查中,据报道,截至美东时间晚上11点30分,已打捞上多具尸体。
R. China, was launched in January, 2007. It reaches more than 3 million people per month and is the most well-known science media in Chinese research institutes, universities as well as ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
警方透露,当局也将继续调查周边区域,以确定该地是否为旧墓地或私人地。(档案照:透视大马) 针对昨晚在瓜拉登嘉楼峇都布落海滩第2区(Pantai Batu Burok 2)发现34块疑似人骨碎片的案件,警方已展开调查。 瓜登警区主任阿兹里助理总监表示,警方昨天(30日)晚间10时10分接获民众投报,指在当地海滩发现疑似人骨。 他说,警方刑事调查组和鉴证组已派员前往现场展开调查。 “事发地点是一片灌木 ...
根据大马民防部队报告显示,截至今早8时,已开放39个临时疏散中心安置灾民.其中,哥打马鲁都(Kota Marudu)灾民人数从 2864人增加到 2944人,必达士(Pitas)也从379人增加到768人,拿笃443人、特鲁必(Telupid)413人。
【文化中国行】来安徽过“洋气”新年 Come to Anhui to celebrate the 'Western style' New Year Taste the New Year's flavor, experience the fun of the New Year, and immerse yourself in the unique charm of Chinese "Fu" ...