The appeal of a Dynasty Warriors game, or any number of sibling series ... by Luo Guanzhong and are works of fiction set in ancient China. Following a mix of historical figures, like generals ...
There are a lot of side quest types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins and finishing them all could be a post-game goal. Two of the hardest ones to finish involve individual provinces of China and the ...
Origins is based on The Tale of the Three Kingdoms and shows the history of China, but this time we participate in big battles as a nameless hero, leading our forces to victory. I feel like saying I ...
And although they’re broadly part of the action genre, Warriors games have a very specific core design that essentially makes them their own unofficial subgenre, dubbed “Musou,” taken from the series’ ...
One of the biggest game releases of this year so far, Dynasty Warriors Origins will soon be out on all new generation consoles. Thanks to the presence of game catalog subscriptions like the Xbox ...