The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) has authorized Tejashwi Yadav to decide the party's strategy for the Bihar assembly elections. At the national executive meeting attended by senior leaders including ...
Telegram founder Pavel Durov has told investigating magistrates in France, where he is charged with multiple infractions linked to enabling organised crime, that he "realised the seriousness of all ...
Office fashion in the United Kingdom is a great fusion of modernism and heritage. Looking polished, professional, and fashionable depends on knowing how to match the appropriate shoes with your ...
In Benin, women are the backbone of voodoo celebrations, integral both on the front lines and behind the scenes. Their roles in organising rituals, preserving sacred knowledge, and maintaining ...
A pop-up shop selling designer clothes to help unemployed women find work in Glasgow is set to open next month. Smart Works Scotland, a charity established over 10 years ago, is hosting a four-day ...