The word Ahimsa, derived from Sanskrit, means non-harm or non-injury and is often translated into English as non-violence. The dictionary defines it as “the ethical principle of not causing harm to ...
In the Buddhist language, Pāli, the word for human dissatisfaction and suffering is dukkha. For Buddhist thinkers, all human suffering is caused by desire, attachment or craving.
With the greater movement of the merchants and missionaries of the West, ethnographic accounts about Buddhist beliefs and practices in different Asian nations began to be written 16th century onwards.
Dr Ravia Gupta, Dr Smruti Smita Mohapatra “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it ...
Can AI embody spirituality? On today’s Gains podcast, Matt Wren, Tech Expert and Founder of VRAR Chicago, joins us to explore ...