The monks do as recommended, practicing loving-kindness meditation for several weeks. Over time, noticing how happy the monks became, the spirits began to practice loving-kindness, too, because they ...
The newly constructed ‘Makara Thorana’ of the historic Sri Subodharama Raja Maha Viharaya, Karagampitiya, Dehiwala was recently opened under the auspices of Ven Shashtrapathi Ven Dodanduwe Sirikara ...
The newly constructed ‘Makara Thorana’ of the historic Sri Subodharama Raja Maha Viharaya, Karagampitiya, Dehiwala was recently opened under the auspices ...
On a quiet summer evening in June 1990, Pico Iyer sat in his family home in Santa Barbara, California, when suddenly, he was surrounded by walls of flames five stories high.